
Worldview, Existence and Order: An Introduction to the Concept of Civilization

Ever since its inception in the 18th century, the concept of civilization has been employed widely in such diverse fields as social sciences, politics, arts and popular culture. The term has been used to denote a large number of issues and subjects with a long debate on what exactly constitute the criteria of civilization. An equally important debate has been whether there is only one civilization or one should speak of multiple civilizations. This article provides a brief history of the concept of civilization and discusses its various meanings and usages in the Western and Islamic intellectual traditions. A definition of civilization will be made and its relationship with worldview, existence and the idea of order will be discussed from a comparative and interdisciplinary point of view. The article will conclude with a critical assessment of the current state of civilization.

İbrahim KALIN
A Voice of the Tradition among Sîra Authors in the Second Constitutional Period: Düzceli Yusuf Suad

The Second Constitutional period, the most significant stage of the modernization of the Ottoman Empire, affected Islamic historiography and also historiography of sîra like it did in other fields. In this article in which it is aimed to deal with one of the sîra authors of this period Duzceli Yusuf Suad and his book Aqwam al-siyar, primarily biography of Duzceli Yusuf Suad whose name is heard only in Caucasus studies is indited and it is tried to complete the gaps in the literature. Then Aqwam al-siyar which is written in the Second Constitutional period and differs from other books about the life of Prophet by its some characteristics is introduced, and the debate in the press which caused by the work itself is handled. Critiques and responses asserted in this debate of which Kılıczâde Hakki is on the opposite side, are exposed in detail.

Japonya’ya Karşı Savaşta Çinli Müslümanların “Orta Doğu ıyi Niyet Heyeti”

Bu makale Çin (Huijiao) Federasyonu tarafından 1930’ların sonlarında Orta Doğu’ya gönderilen Hui “İyi Niyet Heyeti”nin faaliyetlerini ele almakta ve bu heyetin Çin’in Japonya’ya karşı kazandığı zaferdeki katkılarını özetlemektedir. Çin’deki Müslüman azınlıktan biri olan Hui halkı tarafından başlatılan bu türden halklar arası diplomasi, Çin ile Orta Doğu ülkeleri arasındaki dostluğu geliştirmek başta olmak üzere pek çok açıdan büyük önem taşımaktadır. Ancak bu konu aynı alanda çalışan pek çok araştırmacı tarafından şimdiye kadar ihmal edilmiştir.

Sources of Income for Uskudar Foundations at the End of 18th Century

In this article, sources of income for Uskudar foundations have been examined with reference to accounting records kept in Uskudar Shar‘iyya Registry. Income sources were divided into two parts in the accounting records: ijârât and murâbahât. Although rental incomes known as ijâra-i wahida, ijâra-i mu‘ajjala, ijâre-i mu’accala and muqâta‘a-i qadîma acquired from properties like houses, roadhouses, vineyards and orchards are recorded in ijârât part; incomes coming from the management of cash resources like mu‘âmala-i shar‘iyya, bay‘ bi l-istiglâl, farâg bi l-istiglâl were recorded in the part of the murâbahât. All income resources were examined in terms of their legal aspects such as the methods, appropriateness and legality, as well as their economic aspects such as efficiency, widespread use, proportion of the acquired income to the capital and the relationship between this proportion and inflation.

Süleyman KAYA

Book Reviews