Tahavi's Interpretation Methods of Hadiths in Sherhu Ma'âni al-Âsâr

In this article, famous Hanefi law expert (fakîh) Tahavi examines the method of understanding and interpretation of the hadiths. By this work with Tahavi's book, Şerhu me'âni'l-âsâr, on the disagreements between (different) hadiths, it is tried to put forward about the contributions of fakihs' hadith interpretations. Sherhu ma?ani al-âsâr is, at the same time, one of the first important works which explains and comments on hadiths. Tahâvî has used rumour (rivâya) and inference/theoretical (nazar) methods altogether when he is explaining hadiths. In addition to this, one of the components which makes his work indispensable is that he conveyed the information with their attributions, appropriate to the characteristics of his era. Thus when reading the interpretations of Tahâvî on hadiths, it is possible to follow the differences and the continuity of comments along the historical processes. Ayhan TEKİNEŞ
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