The First Publication of Âlî Pasha's Last Will and Testament and Some New Information about the Debates It Spawned

An important statesman and grand vizier of the Tanzimat era, Mehmed Emin Âlî Pasha is known as the author of two written wills ascribed to him but not yet proved to be authentic. To this day, studies on Âlî Pasha's will centered on two texts, one published in 1910 in French, and the other, among the archive documents, in Turkish, and focused on their belonging to Âlî Pasha. This study demonstrates the first place and date of the publication of the Turkish testament ascribed to Âlî Pasha and debated in the press in terms of its authenticity. Besides, this study introduces another testament that is again ascribed to Âlî Pasha, but is unknown and written in a humorous style. This fake testament written by Namık Kemal nearly ten days after the decease of Âlî Pasha, in truth, incorporates the expectations from the grand vizier of the era. Nergiz YILMAZ AYDOĞDU
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