Ottoman Athens and Kadı Mahmud Efendi's Târih-i Medînetu'l-Hukemâ from an Intellectual History Perspective

The history of Ottoman Athens is a neglected period in the historiography of Athens due to pyschological limitations of the national history writing. This introductory article wants to ask some questions that are originated from the consultation of a unique manuscript about the ancient history of Athens written by a judge, Mahmud Efendi, who lived in Athens between 1688-1715. The representation of the city through the eyes of an Ottoman judge is an attempt to enable us to ‘read' his The History of the City of Philosophers in light of many different aspects such as the contribution of the zımmi men of knowledge to the Ottoman intellectual life, the appropriate place of this unique text in the broader context of the fruitful 18th century, the multiple faces of homo ottomanicus and their interactions and the place of this text in the Ottoman historiography. Gülçin TUNALI KOÇ
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