Sacred media, sacred age: A contribution to understanding McLuhan's thought

This study aims to discuss the ways in which the Catholic identity, embraced by the mass communications philosopher, Herbert Marshall McLuhan, has been reflected in his world of thought. It also claims that the means to a thorough assessment of his thought runs through understanding his religious motivation and the impact of the Catholic theology on his philosophy. The work comprises of four sections. The first section discusses the general context of the academic interest shown in McLuhan's thought amd his place within the contemporary Turkish thought. The second section deals with the intellectual course of McLuhan following his conversion into Catholiticism and the impact of the Catholic theology over his system of thought. The third section provides an interpretation of McLuhan's analyses on the young population in relation to his Catholic identity. The last part opens the floor to discussion regarding the approaches on the "possibility fields" created by the modern communication technologies once again in the context of his Catholic expectations and anxieties. Fahrettin ALTUN
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