This article explores the concept of sovereignty in modern Islamic political thought through key figures and texts while also situating it within the specific context of Europe, where it first emerged.
Mehmet Akif KAYAPINARThese speeches are significant because they reveal how the Sultan interpreted the political and administrative structures of which he was a part, as well as how he framed contemporary developments. Moreover, the rhetoric he employed to present these views to the public is of particular interest. The inaugural speeches of Sultan Abdülhamid II, Mehmed Reşad, and Mehmed Vahdeddin at the opening ceremonies of the Meclis-i Umûmî offer an alternative perspective on the political debates of the late Ottoman period, as interpreted by the monarch at the apex of the state.
Abdullah Said ARIThis study provides a comprehensive analysis of the letters, including the newspaper's response to the first one. Written with the intention of influencing public opinion in the United States and Europe, the letters offer valuable insights into Enver Pasha’s thoughts and proposed solutions regarding key issues such as the liberation of the Islamic world, the framework of the anticipated peace treaty with Türkiye, the Islamo-Bolshevik alliance, and the Armenian question.
Kadir KONIn the world maps designed in the first millennium in accordance with the claims and views of the ancient Greek authors, the center of the ecumene is Delphi in the Greek Peninsula or the Mediterranean Sea according to the claims of the Roman Empire. In the call for the Crusades and during the Crusades, the claim that Jerusalem was the center of the world was reflected on many maps. Jerusalem-centered mappamundis encouraged the viewer to holy war. This study examines the changing center of the ecumene in world maps drawn in Europe from Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages.
Zeynep İNAN YAZICIOĞLUBu yazı Engin Deniz Akarlı’nın bu yazısı Kamal Salibi’nin (Çok Odalı Ev: Lübnan Tarihine Yeniden Bakış, İstanbul: Küre Yayınları, 2024) kitabının Türkçe tercümesine takdim olarak yazılmış, yazar ve yayınevinin izniyle kitap değerlendirmesi olarak yayınlanmıştır.
Engin Deniz AKARLIYazar Berâhime imajını anlamlandırmanın tek yolunun söz konusu toposun ortaya çıkışını, evrimini ve kullanıldığı bağlamları araştırmak olduğunu vurgular ve İbnü'r-Râvendî'nin Kitâbü'z-Zümürrüd'ünü merkeze alarak kurgusunu inşâ eder.
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