Subject, Language, and Truth

“Truth” is not something purely theoretical, abstract, or detached from life. It reveals itself to a person directly, through his or her subjective experience. A subject’s experience of truth occurs through a kind of care, manifested in and through language. Language is not only a tool, but also a medium in which a subject exists. The philosophy of the twentieth century was fundamentally language-oriented. This study also prefers a language-oriented philosophical approach to ratio-oriented one. It aims to examine the relationship between truth and subjectivity in and through language, namely Turkish. It tries to establish a relationship between hakikat (truth) and (1) subjectivity via the concept of authenticity, (2) society via the concepts of equity and law, and (3) God through the concept of Truth (Hakk). It further attempts to set out necessary and intrinsic connections between these concepts. Another aim of this study is to relate the etymological-semantic level to the metaphysical one and to identify the manifestations of the concept of hakikat in language. Here, what is in question is not the term’s definition in the classical approach, but its description in the phenomenological approach. This paper thus tries to exhibit how truth (hakikat) appears in the experience of the subject by means of its effects or effective manifestations. Hakikat is first and foremost, prior to any theoretical or speculative investigation, something experienced, and the primary testament to this fact is language itself. Özkan GÖZEL

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