Turtûshî and Political Realism in Medieval Muslim World

Abûbakr Muhammad Ibn al-Walîd al-Turtûshî was born in Tortossa of Andalusia in 451 H / 1059 AD. He was a Mâlikî scholar, a poet of lyrical verses and a thinker on ethics and politics. He traveled from the “West” i.e. Andalusia, to the “East” of Arabian countries and died in 520 H / 1126 AD in Alexandria. The first part of this research is about al-Turtûshî and Sirâj al-mulûk. Then, I discuss whether there was an intellectual movement of political realism specific to the medieval Muslim world, and the question on al-Turtûshî’is position in this movement. In addition, I examined the reactions of Ibn Khaldûn to al-Turtûshî.

A. Sait Aykut
Makaleyi indir

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